How to download with wget without following links with parameters

I'm trying to download two sites for inclusion on a CD:

The problem I'm having is that these are both wikis. So when downloading with e.g.:

wget -r -k -np -nv -R jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif

I do get a lot of files because it also follows links like ...?action=edit ...?action=diff&version=...

Does somebody know a way to get around this?

I just want the current pages, without images, and without diffs etc.


wget -r -k -np -nv -l 1 -R jpg,jpeg,png,gif,tif,pdf,ppt

This worked for berkeley but is still giving me trouble :/


I got what appears to be the most relevant pages with:

wget -r -k -nv  -l 2 -R jpg,jpeg,png,gif,tif,pdf,ppt

Solution 1:

The new version of wget (v.1.14) solves all these problems.

You have to use the new option --reject-regex=.... to handle query strings.

Note that I couldn't find the new manual that includes these new options, so you have to use the help command wget --help > help.txt

Solution 2:

wget --reject-regex '(.*)\?(.*)'

(--reject-type posix by default). Works only for recent (>=1.14) versions of wget though, according to other comments.

Beware that it seems you can use --reject-regex only once per wget call. That is, you have to use | in a single regex if you want to select on several regex :

wget --reject-regex 'expr1|expr2|…'