Web Publish password not the same as my Azure admin password?

Solution 1:

Is there a way to see what this password is and/or change it?

Click the link in Azure portal -> Your Website -> Dashboard -> Quick glance -> Download the publish profile.

See Azure deployment password

Download the file and your publishing password should be there in plain text in form userPWD="7vasdfa....".

If you want to reset that you can click the link Azure portal -> Your Website -> Dashboard -> Quick glance -> Reset your publish profile credentials.

Solution 2:

For the same solution as Kaspars Ozols presented but for the new Azure Portal you can go to the Web app in question and click the "Get publishing profile"

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Updating thread since it is now 9/2018.

Goto Azure Portal -> Dashboard -> App Service (that you are deploying to) -> Get publish profile (in the top middle of browser)

Once you have the file downloaded, look for the userPWD arg.