How to force cache purge of Twitter Card's bots?

Literally I am looking for something like this:

But for Twitter Cards.

I put something wrong on my pages and I need them to be refreshed asap. But after google I only found this post:

It seems Twitter only offers a weekly update. Is there any manual way to purge the wrongly cached pages?


I just managed to force it to update mine:

In validating it updates its cache.

Following the steps in Twitter Card's Troubleshooting Guide actually forced the cache to clear in my case.

When testing and/or iterating on Cards, it is sometimes helpful to test updates on your timeline. It may be possible to use the following technique to refresh the cache with your most up-to-date changes of your page’s Card.

  1. Add Card metadata to a page
  2. Tweet URL to that page
  3. Refresh your browser to view the Card contents on your timeline
  4. Change Card metadata on the page
  5. Take the same URL and runs it through
  6. Tweet the new URL
  7. Refresh your browser to view the updates

Additionally, you can create multiple URLs to allow for repeat testing.

I generated a link to the page, then tweeted it, and then quickly deleted that tweet. It cleared the cache right away for the other tweet.