Export PPT as mp4 or mov in PowerPoint

I want to export my presentation as video. Followed this: Save a presentation as a movie file or MP4.

But I can't find any video formats in the Export menu.

PowerPoint Export options

Should I install any extension separately to have this work? Is there any other software which does conversion of presentations to video with all transitions and animations.

P.S: I use PowerPoint for Mac Version 15.34 [Office 2016].

Solution 1:

Sorry to answer this question myself. I had commented on a thread in Reddit who had a similar issue, and thanks to atomicshed, he linked me to another thread at Microsoft's site.

This solution worked for me:

Quit all Office 2016 apps

Rename the file /Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.plist to something else

Open any Office 2016 application, and sign in again to Activate the Subscription.

Export Menu

Now am able to export it as both MP4 and MOV. Thank you guys! 😄

Solution 2:

From the site you've linked to:

NOTE: This feature is only available to Office 365 subscribers. If you have an Office 365 subscription, make sure you have the latest version of Office.