Initialize a large, fixed-size array with non-Copy types

Solution 1:

You could use the Default trait to initialize the array with default values:

let array: [Option<Box<Thing>>; SIZE] = Default::default();

See this playground for a working example.

Note that this will only work for arrays with up to 32 elements, because Default::default is only implemented for up to [T; 32]. See

Solution 2:

As of Rust 1.38 (released in September 2019), a cleaner alternative to previously posted answers is possible using an intermediate const initializer. This approach works for arrays of any size:

const SIZE: usize = 100;
const INIT: Option<Box<Thing>> = None;
let array: [Option<Box<Thing>>; SIZE] = [INIT; SIZE];

(It works with or without the Box; the example uses Box because it was used in the question.)

One limitation is that the array item must have a default representation that can be evaluated at compile time - a constant, enum variant, or a primitive container composed of those. None or a tuple of numbers will work, but a non-empty Vec or String won't.

Solution 3:

I'm copying the answer by chris-morgan and adapting it to match the question better, to follow the recommendation by dbaupp downthread, and to match recent syntax changes:

use std::mem;
use std::ptr;

struct Thing {
    number: usize,

macro_rules! make_array {
    ($n:expr, $constructor:expr) => {{
        let mut items: [_; $n] = mem::uninitialized();
        for (i, place) in items.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            ptr::write(place, $constructor(i));

const SIZE: usize = 50;

fn main() {
    let items = unsafe { make_array!(SIZE, |i| Box::new(Some(Thing { number: i }))) };
    println!("{:?}", &items[..]);

Note the need to use unsafe here: The problem is that if the constructor function panic!s, this would lead to undefined behavior.

Solution 4:

As of Rust 1.55.0 (which introduced [T]::map()), the following will work:

const SIZE: usize = 100;

struct THING { data: i64 }

let array = [(); SIZE].map(|_| Option::<THING>::default());
for x in array {
    println!("x: {:?}", x);

Rust Playground