Unable to select Custom SSL Certificate (stored in AWS IAM)

Solution 1:

It took a whole day to AWS to propagate the new certificate to all of its nodes. Next day when I logged in to my AWS console, the certificate appeared in the dropdown and was enabled as well and I could configure distribution successfully.

Also, be sure to select us-east-1 (N. Virginia) when you make the certificate request; it's the only region that supports it at this time (even if your bucket / asset is in another region)

Solution 2:

Only certificates registered in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) in the US East (N. Virginia) Region will be enabled for use in CloudFront

Solution 3:

  • Import cert into IAM or create one through ACM in us-east-1 as mentioned in the other comments.

  • Wait for the validation to be complete i.e. not orange.

  • Load the cloudfront distribution setting edit page.
  • If the Custom SSL option is greyed, logout of the console and log back in. After this step the greyed out option came alive for me. I imagine it being cached somehow and the logout-login refreshing it.

Solution 4:

Just wait a few minutes and reload the distribution settings page to see the custom SSL option ENABLED.

I had the same problem, didn't use my AWS root account and the IAM path was correctly set to /cloudfront/.