How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

I want to edit some row values once I get a query output in the result grid. Its true that we can right click the table and say open table to get an editable table output, but what I want is editable query output, only certain rows matching for my criteria, and edit them in the result grid.

Can this possible inside Microsoft SQL server Management Studio Express?

Yes, This is possible. Right click on the table and Click on Edit Top 200 Rows as show in image below

enter image description here

Then click anywhere inside the result grid, to enable SQL Icon "Show Sql Pane". This will open sql editor for the table you opted to edit, here you can write your own sql query and then you can directly edit the result set of the query.

enter image description here

You can do something similar to what you want. Right click on a table and select "edit top 200 rows" (if you are on SQL Server 2008) or "open table" in SQL Server 2005. Once you get there, there is a button on the top that says "SQL"; when you click on it, it lets you write an SQL statement and you can edit the results of it if you click a cell you want to change.