Representing Monetary Values in Java [closed]

I understand that BigDecimal is recommended best practice for representing monetary values in Java. What do you use? Is there a better library that you prefer to use instead?

BigDecimal all the way. I've heard of some folks creating their own Cash or Money classes which encapsulate a cash value with the currency, but under the skin it's still a BigDecimal, probably with BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN rounding.

Edit: As Don mentions in his answer, there are open sourced projects like timeandmoney, and whilst I applaud them for trying to prevent developers from having to reinvent the wheel, I just don't have enough confidence in a pre-alpha library to use it in a production environment. Besides, if you dig around under the hood, you'll see they use BigDecimal too.

It can be useful to people arriving here by search engines to know about JodaMoney:

I'm not expressing my opinion here, but there are quite good arguments against BigDecimal that someone should probably throw out: