Catchall term for "Junior", "Senior", "the late", "widow", and the like?

I'm analyzing a bunch of late 16th century Hungarian names, and I need a word for those extra bits that sometimes get appended to names, like junior, senior, the late and the like. My "working title" has been prefix (because they generally come first in Hungarian), but that's inaccurate, because they're not actually attached to anything. I thought of appelation, but that's just another term for "name", and as such is too broad. Suggestions?

If it can be either a prefix or a suffix, then it is an affix. "Name affix" would cover both bases.

In English "Jr." and "Sr." and "M.D." and the like are called name suffixes. I don't think "widow" is ever used that way, though. And "the late" is simply an adjectival form, not a title.

I think an adequate word could be epithet:

any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: “Richard the Lion-Hearted” is an epithet of Richard I.

In some contexts I've used honorific for a prefix and title for a suffix.