Installation of Office 365 for Mac is freezing at "Running Package Scripts" (Sierra)

I just downloaded Office 365 for Mac, and tried to install it in macOS Sierra 10.12.5. The installation froze when Running Package Scripts.

It is a common problem. I followed this answer and launched Disk Utility, but it seems that there is no repair disk permission in Sierra.

Then, I found the answer of dianeoforegon here. I did pay attention to close all browsers and applications (except Finder) before launching the installer. Clicking on Shift did not help either.

It is really annoying. Does anyone have a solution? Otherwise, how could I clean what I have installed completely?

Edit 1: I chatted to Microsoft support yesterday, and they let me create a new user account on my Mac, and install Office 365 under that account. I tried, the installation was freezing at the same place.

Edit 2: I chatted to another Microsoft support agent, he suggested me to remove the Office before installing, I then removed them in Applications, there was no Library/Containers or Library/Group Containers (I guess it is because the installation was not completed). And the re-installation still failed at the same place.

Additionally, I have to use VPN to connect to the internet, some sites still don't work well. Is this an issue? Does Running Package Scripts require some special Internet connection?

Solution 1:

Turn off virus protection. As soon as I did that the installer completed the task.

Solution 2:

This worked for me: Go to Acitivity Monitor and quit "installer". This prompts the last bit of installation.