How to set screenshot name to be named correctly so it will be sortable

As it is the names that are given to screenshots in Mac OSX are not accurately named to be sorted alphabetical (and then numerical).

In the names below you'll see that a screen shot taken at 3PM is ordered before the picture taken at 12PM.

Screen Shot 2012-10-10 at 3.05.19 PM.png 
Screen Shot 2012-10-10 at 12.50.15 PM

For it to be ordered correctly either 24hr military time needs to be used or the time needs to be 2 digits. IE "3.05.19" needs to be renamed to "03.05.19".

Is there a way to do this?

Solution 1:

Screenshots use the Medium time format you specify in System Preferences » Language & Text » Times (with colons replaced by periods as they're invalid in file names). Click Customize… and enter a sane value there, and you're good.

Preferences dialog screenshot

Solution 2:

IN Sys Prefs / Language & Region, set the Time Format to 24 hour clock and the Snapshot names will use 24 hr format, without AM or PM. They will then sort correctly.