How to catch Pokemon... with a rod?

I received an Old Rod from an NPC, but was never given instructions on how to use it. I worked out by standing near a bed of water, I can open my inventory and select the item, and Use it. I also realised it was easier to Register the item, so I could use it without opening by inventory.

However any time I stand near a bed of water and use the item (either from the inventory or my registered key, I suspect there should be no difference) I am greeted with a

. . . . . . . .
Not even a nibble...

The amount of periods vary, and I've found I can press the Action key to cut it short (although I suspect that doesn't help). Every few attempts, I normally get a nibble, but the Pokémon escapes.

. . .
Oh! A bite!
The Pokémon got away...

I played several of the original games on GameBoy (FWIW: Blue, Yellow and Silver) and don't recall having this many problems. I also recall that one only message I ever got in those previous games was

. . . (3 dots)
Not even a nibble...

And one couldn't truncate the procedure.

I feel like my success rate is about 1/20. Is there some special way to catch Pokémon with a rod? Should I or should I not be using the Action key part-way through? Am I just at an unlucky bed of water? I've tried several nearby:

Story of my life

Solution 1:

Have you tried hitting the action button immediately after seeing the "Oh! A bite!" message? In the first two generations, the fishing was either a yes or no and you didn't have to do anything, but after those generations, you had to hit a button to actually initiate the battle, otherwise the pokemon would get away after a few seconds.

I noticed the games you listed were all games that were released prior to this feature.

For the record, I haven't played Pokemon Uranium, but I'm suspecting that it works the same as in the canonical games.

Solution 2:

The answer provided by Vemonus is completely correct for this game, and this is actually explained in game, although a little later than desired.

As you enter Route 08 - Wheatfields, there is a sign that reads the following:

Trainer Tips!
When fishing, you need patience and quick reflexes. Wait until the message "Oh! A bite!" appears, then reel it in quick!

Better late than never

This at least ties in

to where you receive a Good Rod, which allows you to catch better Pokémon.

It's worth noting that similar to the first generation games, you will eventually have the option to get a better rod which appears to have a better success rate (I don't have any proof, sorry)