What determines the lifecycle of a component (object graph) in Dagger 2?

Solution 1:

As for your question

What determines the lifecycle of a component (object graph) in Dagger 2?

The short answer is you determine it. Your components can be given a scope, such as

public @interface ApplicationScope {

public @interface ActivityScope {

These are useful for you for two things:

  • Validation of scope: a component can only have unscoped providers, or scoped providers of the same scope as your component.


public interface ApplicationComponent {
    Something something();
    AnotherThing anotherThing();

    void inject(Whatever whatever);

public class ApplicationModule {
    @ApplicationScope //application-scoped provider, only one can exist per component
    public Something something() {
         return new Something();

    @Provides //unscoped, each INJECT call creates a new instance
    public AnotherThing anotherThing() {
        return new AnotherThing();
  • Allows for sub-scoping your scoped dependencies, thus allowing you to create a "subscoped" component that uses the provided instances from the "superscoped" component.

This can be done with @Subcomponent annotation, or component dependencies. I personally prefer dependencies.

public interface ApplicationComponent {
    Something something();
    AnotherThing anotherThing();

    void inject(Whatever whatever);

    ActivityComponent newActivityComponent(ActivityModule activityModule); //subcomponent factory method

public interface ActivityComponent {
    ThirdThingy thirdThingy();

    void inject(SomeActivity someActivity);

public class ActivityModule {
    private Activity activity;

    public ActivityModule(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;


ApplicationComponent applicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.create();
ActivityComponent activityComponent = applicationComponent.newActivityComponent(new ActivityModule(SomeActivity.this));

Or you can use component dependencies like so

public class ApplicationComponent {
    Something something(); 
    AnotherThing anotherThing();

    void inject(Whatever whatever);

@Component(dependencies={ApplicationComponent.class}, modules={ActivityModule.class})
public interface ActivityComponent extends ApplicationComponent {
    ThirdThingy thirdThingy();

    void inject(SomeActivity someActivity);

public class ActivityModule {
    private Activity activity;

    public ActivityModule(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;


ApplicationComponent applicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.create();
ActivityComponent activityComponent = DaggerActivityComponent.builder().activityModule(new ActivityModule(SomeActivity.this)).build();

Important things to know:

  • A scoped provider creates one instance for that given scope for each component. Meaning a component keeps track of its own instances, but other components don't have a shared scope pool or some magic. To have one instance in a given scope, you need one instance of the component. This is why you must provide the ApplicationComponent to access its own scoped dependencies.

  • A component can subscope only one scoped component. Multiple scoped component dependencies are not allowed.