Wireshark is not showing my network interface?

I want to capture traffic on Ethernet 4 but you can see that Ethernet 4 is not present in Wireshark network interface though Ethernet 4 is present in Networking and sharing center.

Screenshot of interface list:

enter image description here

Screenshot of network&sharing center:

enter image description here

I use windows 10 and latest version of wireshark- 2.0.4

I just had the same problem. I removed everything (Wireshark and Winpcap) rebooted,then installed Win10Pcap and reinstalled Wireshark without installing Winpcap and it seems to be working.

I have similar issues on certain systems and the solution for me is to launch Wireshark as Administrator by right-clicking its shortcut and selecting Run as Administrator. For me, that fixes it and it shows all interfaces as opposed to just a couple (or sometimes none).

For Windows 10, it was not showing ethernet and wifi interfaces, I installed wireshark 2.6.11 after installation it asked to update, so i updated instead of winpcap, I selected npcap then it upgraded to 3.2.1, finally i can see interfaces.

On Windows 10, running Wireshark as administrator by right-clicking the start menu shortcut fixes this problem for me.