Force Finder to log in as Guest to a SMB share

Solution 1:

In Mac OS X 10.7.3, I used the following string in Finder's "Connect To Server..." (Command-K) for a similar server in my office:


You need both the ':' and "@". I believe it works out as UserName:Password@address .

After the volume appeared, I tried to put it in my shortcut bar, but it wouldn't stay.

I made an alias, and tested it after disconnecting. It worked fine. No window appeared to choose "Guest".

Solution 2:

This is probably what is happening to you: Finder will try to connect to your share using AFP instead of SMB, if unconnected and both daemons are running on the server and AFP is being advertised via Zeroconf. Not advertising AFP using Zeroconf (avahi/whatever) should fix this. Time Machine should still work.

Solution 3:

Create a file called ~/Library/Preferences/nsmb.conf and add to it:


Disconnect from your server, reconnect and try again. This worked for me (I had the same problem).

Found it at