Copying remote file to a specified path on local desktop using scp

Solution 1:

If you are using Cygwin's scp, you might try using the Cygwin paths:

scp user@host:main.php /cygdrive/c/main.php

You could also use the pscp and psftp commands included in the PuTTY package – they are native Win32 programs and won't complain about Windows paths.

Alternatively, WinSCP is a good SCP/SFTP client (primarily a GUI, though also comes with a command-line tool).

Solution 2:

Use PSCP.exe

The problem you are having is because you are referencing your windows xp drive from the shell which you cannot do. You are logged on remotely to a machine so unless your windows xp box has a ssh server running in which case you would use login and pw info for the destination location, you will cannot do that.

Using pscp.exe (free) you can do what you want.