Is arson a verb too?

Arson is noun and it means " the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property " I was wondering if it was verb as well so after rummaging through the internet I came across this definition in the urban dictionary "1. (verb) To engulf a piece of property into flames, with the intent of destruction. "

Solution 1:

It is a noun, and it may be verbalized at times:


  • If you deliberately light logs on fire to roast marshmallows, you have camping skills. If you deliberately set your whole house on fire to collect the insurance money, you've committed arson.
    • The noun arson comes from the Latin word ardere, meaning "to burn." Arson is the act of setting something on fire for a nefarious purpose, and it is, of course, illegal. If you live in a wildfire risk area, you know that sometimes wildfires are caused by natural causes like lightening, sometimes they're caused accidentally by carelessness, and sadly they're sometimes caused by a deliberate act of arson.


Solution 2:

According to Google Books Ngram viewer, arson is used as a verb very rarely: it's nearly a hundred times more common as a noun:

Arson as noun vs. Arson as verb