"Shuttling between the anal and genital zones of development." Huh?

Here's a quote from Lolita:

"Dolly Haze," she said, "is a lovely child, but the onset of sexual maturing seems to give her trouble."

I bowed slightly. What else could I do?

"She is still shuttling," said Miss Pratt, showing how with her liver-spotted hands, "between the anal and genital zones of development. Basically she is a lovely..."

"I beg your pardon," I said, "what zones?"

"That's the old-fashioned European in you!" cried Pratt delivering a slight tap on my wrist watch and suddenly disclosing her dentures. "All I mean is that biologic drives--do you smoke?--are not fused in Dolly, do not fall so to speak into a--into a rounded pattern."

Her hands held for a moment an invisible melon.

What the hell does it mean? Is it some kind of late 1940's psychobabble, or a disdainful parody of same, or what?

It's Freud. He classified those as 2 of 5 steps in psychological development. It's similar to the use of anal as in "anal-retentive" to refer to a personality type.

ps. If Freud ain't your style then Nabokov probably isn't either... be prepared

pps. "Answers! Not comments!"