What are some alternatives to ReSharper? [closed]

I'm considering purchasing a ReSharper license, but are there any possible alternatives to ReSharper and how would you rate these compared to ReSharper?

It doesn't necessarily have to be a free alternative, but I would just like to know how good equivalent products are.

Solution 1:

The main alternative is:

  • CodeRush, by DevExpress. Most consider either this or ReSharper the way to go. You cannot go wrong with either. Both have their fans, both are powerful, and both have talented teams constantly improving them. We have all benefited from the competition between these two. I won't repeat the many good discussions/comparisons about them that can be found on Stack Overflow and elsewhere.

Another alternative worth checking out:

  • JustCode, by Telerik. This is new, still with kinks, but initial reports are positive. An advantage could be licensing with other Telerik products and integration with them. There are bundled licenses available that could make things cheaper / easier to handle.

Solution 2:

A comprehensive list:

  • CodeRush, by DevExpress. (Considered the main alternative) Either this or ReSharper is the way to go. You cannot go wrong with either. Both have their fans, both are powerful, both have talented teams constantly improving them. We have all benefited from the competition between these two. I won't repeat the many good discussions/comparisons about them that can be found on Stack Overflow and elsewhere. 1

  • JustCode, by Telerik. This is new, still with kinks, but initial reports are positive. An advantage could be liscensing with other Telerik products and integration with them. 1

  • Many of the new Visual Studio 2010 features. See what's been added vs. what you need, it could be that the core install takes care of what you are interested in now.

  • Visual Assist X, More than 50 features make Visual Assist X an incredible productivity tool. Pick a category and learn more, or download a free trial and discover them all. 2

  • VSCommands, VSCommands provides code navigation and generation improvements which will make your everyday coding tasks blazing fast and, together with tens of essential IDE enhancements, it will take your productivity to another level. VSCommands comes in two flavours: Lite (free) and Pro (paid). 3

  • BrockSoft VSAid, VSAid (Visual Studio Aid) is a Microsoft Visual Studio add-in available, at no cost, for both personal and commercial use. Primarily aimed at Visual C++ developers (though useful for any Visual Studio project or solution), VSAid adds a new toolbar to the IDE which adds productivity-enhancing features such as being able to find and open project files quickly and cycle through related files at the click of a mouse button (or the stroke of a key!). 4

Solution 3:

Keep in mind that with Visual Studio 2010 you may not need/want any addon. A lot of the ReSharper features were added into the Visual Studio 2010 core features. ReSharper, CodeRush, etc. have other features above and beyond Visual Studio for sure, but see what's been added vs. what you need. It could be that the core install takes care of what you are interested in now.

I personally use ReSharper 5 still as it has many uses, for me. What each coder finds most important though varies widely. You'll have to test each for yourself, but luckily all the alternatives have trial periods as well.