A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server [closed]

Solution 1:

The database connection is closed by the database server. The connection remains valid in the connection pool of your app; as a result, when you pickup the shared connection string and try to execute it's not able to reach the database. If you are developing Visual Studio, simply close the temporary web server on your task bar.

If it happens in production, resetting your application pool for your web site should recycle the connection pool.

Solution 2:

Try the following command on the command prompt:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled

This turns off the auto scaling abilities of the network stack

Solution 3:

I had the same problem. I restarted Visual Studio and that fixed the problem

Solution 4:

For those not using IIS, I had this issue when debugging with Visual Studio 2010. I ended all of the debugger processes: WebDev.WebServer40.EXE which solved the issue.

Solution 5:

Transport level errors are often linked to the connection to sql server being broken ... usually network.

Timeout Expired is usually thrown when a sql query takes too long to run.

So few options can be :

  1. Check for the connection in VPN (if used) or any other tool
  2. Restart IIS
  3. Restart machine
  4. Optimize sql queries.