Problem with opening a big RTF file

Someone gave me an RTF file which is 500MB. I can not open it with anything. Is there any way to open this file?

Like James T said, RTF is just plain text in the end. If nothing helps, try opening the file with Large Text File Viewer. Even opended up a 90GB file at work.

I kinda doubt that it is an rtf file. Even a several thousand page document should not be more than a few megabytes. People sometimes put different file extensions on restricted file types (like .exe) so that they can send it through email or messenger. The recipient (you) would have to know to change it back.

You can try opening it in notepad (instead of wordpad or microsoft word). If it is an rtf file, it should have a line at the top that looks kinda like this:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}

Maybe the file got garbled in transmission?