How to execute python script from console without writing full path?

Solution 1:

Set executable permissions for python scripts by "chmod +x *"
Now you have two options:

  • Add your scripts directory to PATH env variable, or
  • Make symbolic links to your scripts one by one (or write another script to do the same) in /usr/local/bin directory.

[mzed@node02 test]$ vim

Contents of file:

print "This is cool!"


[mzed@node02 test]$ mv printme
[mzed@node02 test]$ chmod +x printme
[mzed@node02 ~]$ cd /usr/local/bin/
[mzed@node02 bin]$ sudo ln -s ~/test/printme .
[mzed@node02 bin]$ ls
deskzilla  grails  grails-debug  printme  startGrails
[mzed@node02 bin]$ cd
[mzed@node02 ~]$ printme 
This is cool!
[mzed@node02 ~]$

I hope this will help you.

Solution 2:

Okay, maybe I'm just older school...
In /usr/bin add shell scripts with the #!/bin/bash header and no .sh extension. Then in those scripts just run python absolutepath.

Why I think it's better than the other answers:
Doesn't require chmod-ing your scripts to make them executable.
Doesn't require renaming your scripts.