How can I list all my passwords stored in Keychain Access?
I am trying to use the 'security find-internet-password' command to show my passwords. I want to write a script to loop through my keychain and list all of my passwords. I have read the man page for security and tried the examples but cannot get it to return any of my passwords.
Here is the command from the man page:
find-internet-password [-h] [-a account] [-s server] [options...] [-g] [keychain...]
-a account Match account string
-c creator Match creator (four-character code)
-C type Match type (four-character code)
-d securityDomain
Match securityDomain string
-D kind Match kind string
-j comment Match comment string
-l label Match label string
-p path Match path string
-P port Match port number
-r protocol Match protocol (four-character code)
-s server Match server string
-t authenticationType
Match authenticationType (four-character code)
-g Display the password for the item found
-w Display the password(only) for the item found
I have tried several syntaxes for the command including leaving the keychain value blank. in the below examples admin is a account name for one of my internet accounts. I would prefer to be able to get all of the passwords at once but when I dump-keychain it gives an unreadable mess of text with lots of tags that I cannot parse. Is there any
$ security find-internet-password -a admin -g
$ security find-internet-password -a admin -g login
$ security fine-internet-password -a admin -g user
$ security find-internet-password -a admin -g /Users/Chilly/Library/Keychains/user
I would prefer to be able to get all of the passwords at once but when I dump-keychain it gives an unreadable mess of text with lots of tags that I cannot parse. Is there any documentation on the web for the format of that dump file or how to parse it. Suggestions I have seen say to just 'grep' the file but I need documentation to know what to look for. (and to read a manual on grep and awk and sed but those are widely available:-)
Solution 1:
This will dump your login passwords:
sudo security dump-keychain -d login.keychain > keychain.txt
And this is a script that can convert it to a human readable format:
NB: The Ruby script worked for me only after I removed the line containing .gsub!('htps', 'https');
And, optionally, here is an applescript which will autoclick for you the OS security confirmation dialog: