Specific Wifi network connection history in OSX

No, Apple doesn’t log or present this in a quick and easy way to retrieve - especially over months of time.

However all is not lost, there is an amazing app that logs WiFi quite well.

  • https://www.adriangranados.com/apps/wifisignal

I’m sure someone could script up a solution as well, but I’ve been very satisfied with this author’s various WiFi tools and blogs and it logs the data you need in a super clean and useful manner.

Specific WiFi network connection history in OSX

Try using the following command in Terminal

log show --predicate '(processImagePath contains "configd") && (eventMessage contains "en0: SSID {enter your SSID name} ")' --style syslog --last 1d

Change last 1d (1 day to any days you want to look)

It will list all Dates and Time when your Mac was connected to specified SSID (network name)

This is a sample from my Mac looking at 3 days

enter image description here

More about WiFi networks on your Mac..

If you have the option "Remember Networks" enabled, all Networks that you joined at one time will be there, even Years back.

all WiFi

You can also find the last log in information for each Network in your Keychain.

key chain

However, that does not tells you specific activity per Network, only the last log in time.

Depending what are you looking for you can find the detailed WiFi logs in /private/var/log/

Also you can use following command to show you the history (Years) for all Networks your Mac connected.

defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.airport.preferences |grep LastConnected -A 7

