"adjusting glasses"?

What is the idiomatic way to describe an action by which a person puts their eyeglasses back if they are a bit off down the nose (and does that often as a habitual unconscious move)?

(I mean something along the lines of Russian "поправлять очки", if that helps).

It's called pushing your glasses up or pushing your glasses back:

Instead of constantly pushing your glasses back onto your face like a stereotypical 90s movie nerd, weblog Tested recommends wrapping the ends in a bit of heat shrink to keep them from slipping.


I think adjusting your glasses typically refers to a situation when the glasses slide down, and you need to, for example, adjust the plastic frames in hot water to make them work again.

There's a fair amount of fiction that uses the phrase

he pushed his glasses up his nose

Perhaps fidgeting? Or compulsively fidgeting?

As in, "The old man was sweating profusely in the room. He did not want to be there. He fidgeted with his glasses as they slid down his nose, but for some reason he gave the impression that even if they weren't slipping off his face, he wouldn't have been able to leave them alone."

Perhaps there isn't a direct translation, I think I would say 'he was habitually adjusting his glasses'