Find if variable is divisible by 2

How do I figure out if a variable is divisible by 2? Furthermore I need do a function if it is and do a different function if it is not.

Use modulus:

// Will evaluate to true if the variable is divisible by 2
variable % 2 === 0  

Seriously, there's no jQuery plugin for odd/even checks?

Well, not anymore - releasing "Oven" a jQuery plugin under the MIT license to test if a given number is Odd/Even.

Source code is also available at

Test-suites are available at

(function() {
     * isEven(n)
     * @args number n
     * @return boolean returns whether the given number is even
    jQuery.isEven = function(number) {
        return number % 2 == 0;

    /* isOdd(n)
     * @args number n
     * @return boolean returns whether the given number is odd
    jQuery.isOdd = function(number) {
        return !jQuery.isEven(number);

You don't need jQuery. Just use JavaScript's Modulo operator.

You can do it in a better way (up to 50 % faster than modulo operator):

odd: x & 1 even: !(x & 1)

Reference: High Performance JavaScript, 8. ->Bitwise Operators

You can use the modulus operator like this, no need for jQuery. Just replace the alerts with your code.

var x = 2;
if (x % 2 == 0)