How to indent HTML tags in Notepad++

Use the XML Tools plugin for Notepad++ and then you can Auto-Indent the code with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B .For the more point-and-click inclined, you could also go to Plugins --> XML Tools --> Pretty Print.

The answers on this question are not only wrong, but dangerous. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B will not indent HTML but XML. Consider the following HTML code:

<span class="myClass"></span>

The function 'Notepad++ -> Plugins -> XmlTools -> Pretty print (Xml only with line breaks)' (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B) will transform this to:

<span class="myClass"/>

which will not be displayed correctly anymore by your browser! I strongly advice against using this function to indent HTML.

Instead use the plugin Tidy2. This will indent the HTML correctly without bad side-effects (but it will also create <html>, <head>, <body>, ... elements around your code, if these are not there).

Step 1: Open plugin manager in notepad++

Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager.

Step 2:install XML Tool plugin

Search "XML TOOLS" from the "Available" option then click in install.

Now you can use shortcut key CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B to indent the code.

I have a solution for you.

Just you need to install a plugin named Indent By Fold.

You can install this by going through Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager. OR Plugins -> Plugins Admin -> chekmark Indent By Fold from list than install

Then just select the list item and all you need is to type the first word then you got it.

you can use this plugin from a plugin in the menu bar.