Configuring the gedit embeded terminal [duplicate]

Solution 1:

  1. Make sure you have the following packages installed:

    • dconf-tools

    • gconf-editor

  2. Open up gconf-editor and navigate to apps ➜ gnome-terminal and select a profile:

    enter image description here

  3. Now open up dconf-editor and navigate to org ➜ gnome ➜ gedit ➜ plugins ➜ terminal and uncheck the use-theme-colors key:

    enter image description here

  4. From gconf-editor, copy the values of the

    • background-color
    • foreground-color
    • palette

    over to the corresponding keys in dconf-editor. The embedded terminal should now match a regular gnome-terminal.

    enter image description here

Solution 2:

This is for gedit 3

Same problem here white on light gray.

I manually edited /usr/lib/gedit/plugins/ Terminal used is xterm.

Search for:

fg = context.get_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL)
bg = context.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL)

I replace with

fg = Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
bg = Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1)

Info: fg = black text, bg = white background

Solution 3:

Make sure you haven't ticked Use colors from system theme then it should work:

enter image description here