Prevent gnome power manager from showing keyboard battery [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I have the same issue. It is already reported, you can follow it on :

Solution 2:

There does not appear to be anyway to remove the mouse from the power indicator menu using the built-in configuration options.

What you can do though is select the indicator icon and clear "Show time in the menu bar..."

It is not really the solution any of us want but it does remove the ugly "estimating..."

Solution 3:

I also got annoyed at this, and coded up a patch that introduces a configuration setting and a status menu alternative to tell indicator-power to prefer showing the laptop battery, even if there is a mouse or keyboard discharging at the moment.

You can find the code over in this branch for Ubuntu 13.10:

It might need a proper bug report to be picked up as a candidate for future versions of indicator-power - I'm not sure how that works at all.