Chrome/Chromium middle mouse button for scroll Linux, Mac

Clicking the middle button doesn't allow me scroll the page. Is there any way to fix this behavior?


  1. Ubuntu 10.10
  2. Chromium 9.0.597.94
  3. Logitech MX518

Update: also Chrome, and the other Chromium based ones.

Solution 1:

In Linux based/Mac systems, Google Chrome / Chromium hasn't got this feature. You have to get an extension, eg.: AutoScroll AutoScroll.

Solution 2:

This will work with all your applications without the need of installing anything.

Get your input deviceId number

xinput list

To list available properties use xinput list-props $deviceId. If you are using libinput (the future/present) almost all properties will start with libinput (also check libinput list-devices).

Test: You can always test your input devices with xev, evtest, xinput --test $deviceId or libinput debug-events.

With libinput

Since 17.04 Ubuntu uses libinput, so to set mouse properties:

xinput set-prop $deviceId "libinput Scroll Method Enabled" 0, 0, 1  # _button_ as scroll method
xinput set-prop $deviceId "libinput Button Scrolling Button" 2      # Using middle buttpn. Already 2 by default

xinput set-prop $deviceId "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1    # OPTIONAL, for natural scrolling. You can also get this with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse natural-scroll true

Description from man libinput:

  • libinput Scroll Method Enabled 3 boolean values (8 bit, 0 or 1), in order "two-finger", "edge", "button". Indicates which scroll method is currently enabled on this device.
  • libinput Button Scrolling Button 1 32-bit value. Sets the button number to use for button scrolling. This setting is independent of the scroll method, to enable button scrolling the method must be set to button-scrolling and a valid button must be set.

With evdev

xinput --set-prop $deviceId 'Evdev Wheel Emulation' 1
xinput --set-prop $deviceId 'Evdev Wheel Emulation Button' 2
xinput --set-prop $deviceId 'Evdev Wheel Emulation Axes' 6 7 4 5

  • You can add this to a bash script and run it at login.
  • Like wheel, with the same movement while pressing Ctrl will zoom in/out page. Ctrl + 0 to reset.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 use X by default. Probably works also on Wayland.
  • Maybe better than Firefox Autoscrolling, easier to control.
  • Libinput at ArchLinux Wiki

Solution 3:

I recommend another couple of addons, that allows "Scroll a page as if a scrollbar is under your mouse." I found that give us more control over the scroll move.

  • For Firefox
  • For Chromium/Chrome

With both addons you just click and hold secondary button pressed to scroll pages moving the mouse up and down and even horizontally.