How do I mount .cue file?

I have a cd image that is not a .iso but a .cue. I cannot mount it. I use ubuntu 10.10 64 bits, and I've tried a lot of programs. furiosmout just says it is not a image file, and it just didn't work. I found a program (acetone) that can convert .cue in .iso, but it says I need other packages (that I could not come to). I was looking for an easy way. Any help?

Solution 1:

Typically a .cue file will be accompanied by a .bin file that contains the actual image data. If you'd like to convert it to the .iso format, the Iso9660 Analyzer Tool (apt-get install iat) should do the trick:

iat my_image.bin my_new_image.iso

Solution 2:

This has been bothering me in the past and I never did find a solution. I set out for an answer and found it on a whim; these instructions are derived from the script on that site.

You'll need the .bin file that should be accompanying the .cue file. Note the file sizes: the .bin is likely several hundred MB, while the .cue is probably less than one KB. If you have a large .cue file, it's possible it's named incorrectly, so it doesn't hurt to try this anyway:

  1. Install fuseiso (sudo apt-get install fuseiso)
  2. Run fuseiso -p image_file.bin /path/to/mount, and you should see the mount point fill up with files. This can be run as a normal user, and the directory doesn't have to exist.
  3. When finished, run fusermount -u /path/to/mount to unmount and remove the directory fuseiso created.

Hopefully this helps.

Solution 3:

And also bchunk can do the same trick as iat:

bchunk IMAGE.bin IMAGE.cue ANYNAME.iso