How do I delete "Removable Disk" listings?

If some of those drives are for things like camera memory card readers, then this is typically how they work.

To hide empty drive letters from the list, use the following menu options in Windows Explorer:

  1. "Tools" menu
  2. "Folder options" item
  3. "View" tab
  4. Enable the "Hide empty drives in the Computer folder" checkbox
  5. "OK" button

enter image description here

There are two settings that control whether you can see the empty drives.

  1. 'Hide empty drives in the Computer folder'
  2. 'Hidden files and folders'.

If Show hidden files, folders, and drives is selected (the default is Don't show) then you will still see the hidden removable drives even if Hide empty drives in the Computer folder is ticked.

To hide the drives completely you need to:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Type Folder Options and press Enter.
  3. Select the View tab.
  4. Select Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives.
  5. Tick Hide empty drives in the Computer folder.
  6. Click OK.

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