Can I mirror / duplicate mouse events on both halves of my screen?
Solution 1:
(Knocking out a preliminary script that did the basic function was about as easy as I thought. It took only a few minutes and worked reasonably well. The problem is that there are lots of little gotchas and edge-cases where something might not work in some specific circumstance or if some other specific expectation exists. I’m still working on an enhanced version of the script that handles double-clicks and dragging, but while there’s plenty of examples and attempts, there are no solid, effective, and concise examples of handling these quite right at this time, so it’s a work in progress.)
In any case, the script below is an older version that I threw together (and cleaned up a bit for public consumption). It does what was asked (and a little more). There’s no real manual; you just run the script and it starts up in the mirroring mode. Mouse-clicks on either side of the screen are duplicated on the other (vertical) half. There are a few hotkeys that can be used to modify the script behavior:
- Alt+Shift+Q turns mirroring on and off
- Ctrl+Shift+Q turns autofire (rapid-repeat) on and off
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q pauses the script so that the mouse behaves normally
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win+Q exits the script
Here is a sample output of the script:
; Mirror.ahk mirrors mouse clicks on one half of the screen to the other half
; (cl) 2012- Synetech inc., Alec Soroudi
; Hotkeys:
; Alt+Shift+Q to toggle mirroring
; Ctrl+Shift+Q to toggle autofire
; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q to completely pause the script (mouse behaves normally)
; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win+Q to quit
; Defaults to single-click, mirrored
#SingleInstance force
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode Play ;Try modes Event, Input, or Play
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%
Half := (MonitorWorkAreaRight - MonitorWorkAreaLeft) >> 1
Mirror := 1
Autofire := 0
;Main function
Dupe(action, var) {
;Calculate other half
MouseGetPos, x,y
Global Half
if (x<Half) {
Left := (Half + x)
else {
Left := (x - Half)
Global Mirror
if (action=0) { ;Mouse
if (var=0) { ;Left-click
if Mirror
Click %Left% %y% Left
Click %x% %y% Left
else if (var=1) { ;Right-click
Click %Left% %y% Right
Click %x% %y% Right
else if (var=2) { ;Middle-click
Click %Left% %y% Middle
Click %x% %y% Middle
else if (var=3) { ;Button4-click
Click %Left% %y% X1
Click %x% %y% X1
else if (var=4) { ;Button5-click
Click %Left% %y% X2
Click %x% %y% X2
; else if (action=1) { ;Keyboard - do what???
; }
!+q:: ;Pause mirroring with Alt+Shift+Q
Mirror := !Mirror
; MsgBox Mirror: %Mirror%
^+q:: ;Toggle autofire with Ctrl+Shift+Q
Autofire := !Autofire
; MsgBox Autofire: %Autofire%
^!+q:: ;Pause script with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q
; if (A_IsSuspended = 1)
; MsgBox Hotkeys suspended
; else
; MsgBox Hotkeys resumed
^!+#q:: ;Quit with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win+Q
; MsgBox Quitting
+#q:: ;Reload/restart script with Shift+Win+Q
; MsgBox Reloading
Loop {
; if (Mirror)
Dupe(0, 0)
GetKeyState, State, LButton, P
if (!Autofire || State = "U")
Loop {
if (Mirror)
Dupe(0, 1)
GetKeyState, State, RButton, P
if (!Autofire || State = "U")
Loop {
if (Mirror)
Dupe(0, 2)
GetKeyState, State, MButton, P
if (!Autofire || State = "U")
Loop {
if (Mirror)
Dupe(0, 3)
GetKeyState, State, XButton1, P
if (!Autofire || State = "U")
Loop {
if (Mirror)
Dupe(0, 4)
GetKeyState, State, XButton2, P
if (!Autofire || State = "U")