Can an element have both an id and a class?

Solution 1:

Yes, an element can have one ID (which must be unique!) and multiple classes at the same time. To have multiple classes, use a space between them, here's an example:

<div id="myID" class="class1 class2 class3">Content</div>

Solution 2:

I would like to add that if you add both ID and a class that contradict each other, the ID will have higher priority.

For example:





<section id="par_color" class="par_color">Some txt</section>

Some txt string will be shown in blue and not in red.

Solution 3:

Yes. Self explanatory.

Additionally, it's common to have more than one class IE -

<div class="oneClass andAnother"></div>

but only one ID per element, and each ID should only be used once per HTML page.