Why C# doesn't implement indexed properties?

Solution 1:

Here's how we designed C# 4.

First we made a list of every possible feature we could think of adding to the language.

Then we bucketed the features into "this is bad, we must never do it", "this is awesome, we have to do it", and "this is good but let's not do it this time".

Then we looked at how much budget we had to design, implement, test, document, ship and maintain the "gotta have" features and discovered that we were 100% over budget.

So we moved a bunch of stuff from the "gotta have" bucket to the "nice to have" bucket.

Indexed properties were never anywhere near the top of the "gotta have" list. They are very low on the "nice" list and flirting with the "bad idea" list.

Every minute we spend designing, implementing, testing, documenting or maintaining nice feature X is a minute we can't spend on awesome features A, B, C, D, E, F and G. We have to ruthlessly prioritize so that we only do the best possible features. Indexed properties would be nice, but nice isn't anywhere even close to good enough to actually get implemented.

Solution 2:

A C# indexer is an indexed property. It is named Item by default (and you can refer to it as such from e.g. VB), and you can change it with IndexerNameAttribute if you want.

I'm not sure why, specifically, it was designed that way, but it does seem to be an intentional limitation. It is, however, consistent with Framework Design Guidelines, which do recommend the approach of a non-indexed property returning an indexable object for member collections. I.e. "being indexable" is a trait of a type; if it's indexable in more than one way, then it really should be split into several types.

Solution 3:

Because you can already do it kind of, and it's forced you to think in OO aspects, adding indexed properties would just add more noise to the language. And just another way to do another thing.

class Foo
    public Values Values { ... }

class Values
    public string this[int index] { ... }    


I personally would prefer to see only a single way of doing something, rather than 10 ways. But of course this is a subjective opinion.

Solution 4:

I used to favor the idea of indexed properties but then realized it would add horrible ambiguity and actually disincentivize functionality. Indexed properties would mean you don't have a child collection instance. That's both good and bad. It's less trouble to implement and you don't need a reference back to the enclosing owner class. But it also means you can't pass that child collection to anything; you'd likely have to enumerate every single time. Nor can you do a foreach on it. Worst of all, you can't tell from looking at an indexed property whether it's that or a collection property.

The idea is rational but it just leads to inflexibility and abrupt awkwardness.