Insert a logo in upper right corner of R markdown pdf document

Solution 1:

You can use the includes option in the yaml to specify a custom addition to your latex header. The yaml part would look like

      keep_tex: true
          in_header: header.tex

and you need to save a separate file called header.tex with the following defining your company logo like so:

\rhead{\includegraphics[width = .05\textwidth]{logo.png}}

Here I used the fancyhdr latex package to add the logo, but there are other potential solutions. See here for more options.

Solution 2:

Ok, I have found the solution:

output: pdf_document

Solution 3:

I've tried many solutions presented here and in other forums, none of which worked. I've finally came to a solution that worked for me.

title: 'Fancy Title Here'
author: "Diego"
date: "today"
    toc: yes
    - \usepackage{fancyhdr}
\addtolength{\headheight}{1.0cm} % make more space for the header
\pagestyle{fancyplain} % use fancy for all pages except chapter start
\rhead{\includegraphics[height=1.2cm]{C:/Path/to/logo/logo}} % right logo
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove rule below header

I hope that helps someone the same way it helped me.

Solution 4:

For those using flexdashboardsee this addition to entry preamble text for logos and favicon, although its upper left not right:

so your start of the .Rmd file looks like this:

title: "myappR"
    logo: mylogo.png
    favicon: mylogo.png
    theme: bootstrap
runtime: shiny

I left my logo in the root directory with a simple name. And:

  • Kept logo height 48 pixels as this plays nicely with the theme,
  • Be careful of spaces and indents and,
  • Do not forget the ending : after flexdashboard.

Solution 5:

I have found a solution to make a logo only on the first page:

\addtolength{\headheight}{1.0cm} % make more space for the header
\fancypagestyle{plain}{} % this is to remove the default plain style for the first page
\thispagestyle{fancy} % use fancy for all pages except chapter start
\fancyhead[L]{\includegraphics[width = 100pt]{ManchesterLogo.png}}
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove rule below header