DNS record, paths and port [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to use DNS to redirect domain to specific port on my web server

I have a domain xyz.com and a web application running at http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:8080/pcc.

When the user enters the URL xyz.com and www.xyz.com, I want that the page on http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:8080/pcc is displayed in the browser.

What DNS records should I add?


1) I changed the port to 80.

2) Thanks all for the help!

Now I can reach the application via URLs

www.xyz.com/pcc xyz.com/pcc ,

i. e. xyz.com and www.xyz.com point to AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.

One last thing remains: I want xyz.com to point to the pcc directory (as well as www.xyz.com).

How can I do that?

You need to create an A record for xyz.com that points to AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD. You need to create a CNAME record for www.xyz.com that points to xyz.com.

By default HTTP uses port 80. If you are using apache then you should be able to use mod_proxy to shift the port.

The fact that you have your web site running off of a non-standard port web server breaks the ability of a web browser from reaching it without specifying it port - so "http://xyz.com:8080" work, but "http://xyz.com" will not.

This is not a DNS issue, but an application server setup issue. You need something to respond on port 80 for xyz.com if you want the web browsers to be able to contact it without specifying the non-standard 8080 port.