Installing “SoX” (Sound eXchange) via the Terminal in Mac OS X

Solution 1:

Probably better on superuser? Based on the and /Users I am guessing you are on Mac OS X?

If all you did was git clone it down, you have the source code to the application and not a binary.

You would need to cd sox-folder and then do the ./configure && make && make install dance. But as you say you are new to this, that might be a bit rough.

If you are on Mac OS X then something like Homebrew or MacPorts might help you here, as they both have packages/ports for SoX. If you are not on Mac OS X, most distribution of *nix will have a package available (i.e. yum install sox, apt-get install sox, etc…) but more information would be needed.

If you just want to run sox, go here and grab the precompiled Mac OS X Binary: To compile what you have you will need autoconf, automake, etc… Basically the entire autotools toolchain, and that is probably overkill assuming you just want to run the utility.

Solution 2:

I used Homebrew to install sox for me with the command

brew install sox

And, assuming I am using the bash shell instead of the default zsh as of 2020, I would add the following to the hidden .bash_profile in the home directrly for sox to be picked up

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

This I normally do after installing Homebrew for the first time. You only need to add this to the .bash_profile once.

Solution 3:

Check if it's in the path

which sox

try launching it using the complete path. /usr/local/.../sox

check permissions to the sox binary.