Cygwin / Windows 10 cli: is there a command that can focus a application/window?

How do I set focus to a Window?

You can use nircmd win focus ....


nircmd win focus title "bash"

where bash is the title of my Cygwin Terminal window.


nircmd win [action] [find] [window to find] [Additional Parameters]

There are different ways to specify the windows to find:

handle: Finds the desired window by specifying the handle of the window in [window to find] parameter.
id: Finds the desired child window by specifying the id of the child window. Useful only for child windows.
class: Finds the desired window by specifying the class name of the window in [window to find] parameter.
title: Finds the desired window by specifying the exact title of the window in [window to find] parameter.
stitle: Finds the desired window by specifying the first few characters of the window in [window to find] parameter.
ititle: Finds the desired window by specifying a sequence of characters that exists in the window title.
alltop: All top windows.
alltopnodesktop: All top windows, except of desktop and tray windows.
active: The current active window.
foreground: The window in foreground.
desktop: The desktop window
process:Finds the desired window by specifying process ID (for example: /3412) or process name (for example: firefox.exe).

Source Nircmd Win

Go to NirCmd - Windows command line tool to download nircmd (download link is at the bottom of the page).