Which is the easiest way to simulate keyboard and mouse on Python?

Solution 1:

I do automated testing stuff in Python. I tend to use the following:

Edit: Link is dead, archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/20100224025508/http://www.tizmoi.net/watsup/intro.html


I do not always (almost never) simulate key presses and mouse movement. I usually use COM to set values of windows objects and call their .click() methods.

You can send keypress signals with this:

import win32com.client

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
shell.SendKeys("^a") # CTRL+A may "select all" depending on which window's focused
shell.SendKeys("{DELETE}") # Delete selected text?  Depends on context. :P
shell.SendKeys("{TAB}") #Press tab... to change focus or whatever

This is all in Windows. If you're in another environment, I have no clue.

Solution 2:

Maybe you are looking for Sendkeys?

SendKeys is a Python module for Windows that can send one or more keystrokes or keystroke combinations to the active window.

it seems it is windows only

Also you have pywinauto (copied from my SO answer)

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a GUI automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems (NT/W2K/XP).

and example from the web page

> from pywinauto import application
> app = application.Application.start("notepad.exe")
> app.notepad.TypeKeys("%FX")
> app.Notepad.MenuSelect("File->SaveAs")
> app.SaveAs.ComboBox5.Select("UTF-8")
> app.SaveAs.edit1.SetText("Example-utf8.txt")
> app.SaveAs.Save.Click()

Solution 3:

pyautogui is a great package to send keys and automate several keyboard / mouse related tasks. Check out Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation and PyAutoGUI’s documentation.