Is there any way to define arithmetical multiplication as other thing than repeated addition?

Solution 1:

Given two sets $A$ and $B$ of cardinality $a$ and $b$, respectively, the cardinality of the cartesian product $A\times B$ is called the product of $a$ and $b$, and is denoted by $a\cdot b$.


When I wrote this answer I didn't have infinite sets in mind. I just wanted to convey a mental picture of multiplication that does not involve repeated addition.

Solution 2:

$a\cdot b$ is the the value of $f_a(b)$, where $f_a$ is the unique endomorphism of $\mathbb N$ (under addition) satisfying $f_a(1)=a$.

Solution 3:

Here is an answer that requires an $x$ and $y$ axis. Let us say that we would like to multiply $A$ and $B$. Then we locate the point, $(1,A)$ and make the line determined by $(0,0)$ and $(1,A)$. Then locate the point $(B,0)$, and draw the vertical line that goes through this point. Then find the intersection of the vertical line just formed and the line formed by connecting the origin and $(1,A)$. You get a point, $(B,C)$, and the point $C$ is equal to $AB$.

enter image description here

What I like about this definition is that it works with the real numbers, the fact that it is Euclidean in spirit, and that it makes clear that multiplication is (de)magnification.

Solution 4:

We can define $\mathbb{N}$ as the initial semiring. In this approach, not only do we not have to define multiplication as repeated addition, but, in fact, we do not have to define multiplication at all.


Solution 5:

Combining my comments into an answer:

First define $a^2=\sum_{i=1}^a (2i-1)$.

Then define $a\cdot b={(a+b)^2-a^2-b^2\over 2}$.

(You could of course argue that this is equivalent to repeated addition, but the same would be true of any valid definition.)