How can I increase the mouse pointer speed beyond the limits set by the Mouse preferences dialog?

In the Mouse preferences dialog I've set the acceleration to max and the sensitivity to min and the mouse pointer is not exactly sluggish, but I'd like to make it even faster. Is it possible to be done by setting some value in the procfs or something?


The xset command allows you to change quite a few aspects of your desktop, including mouse acceleration.

xset m 2 1

The first number is the acceleration, the second is threshold. So, in the example I provided, the mouse will go 2X as fast once it's traveled 1px across the screen. Zero has some special connotations, so I'd stick with 1.

I wouldn't think you would need to set the acceleration too high to get what you're looking for.

This effect will disappear once you reboot/restart. If it works for you, the command can be added to your "Startup Applications" to be applied automatically.

Good luck!

There is a number after which the speed isn't increasing.

After this number I've set it to 30, and 200 and the speed is the same. It's still slow, but it is faster than it was before.

I guess it depends on the mouses DPI. The Steelseries Sensei has the most DPI: 16000 DPI. A higher DPI is always better once you know it, but it isn't really that fast when you have one or more 4k monitors.