How to store routes in separate files when using Hapi?

You can create a separate file for user routes (config/routes/user.js):

module.exports = [
    { method: 'GET', path: '/users', handler: function () {} },
    { method: 'GET', path: '/users/{id}', handler: function () {} }

Similarly with cart. Then create an index file in config/routes (config/routes/index.js):

var cart = require('./cart');
var user = require('./user');

module.exports = [].concat(cart, user);

You can then load this index file in the main file and call server.route():

var routes = require('./config/routes');



Alternatively, for config/routes/index.js, instead of adding the route files (e.g. cart, user) manually, you can load them dynamically:

const fs = require('fs');

let routes = [];

  .filter(file => file != 'index.js')
  .forEach(file => {
    routes = routes.concat(require(`./${file}`))

module.exports = routes;

You should try Glue plugin: It allows you to modularize your application. You can place your routes in separate subdirectories and then include them as Hapi.js plugins. You can also include other plugins (Inert, Vision, Good) with Glue as well as configure your application with a manifest object (or json file).

Quick exapmple:


var Hapi = require('hapi');
var Glue = require('glue');

var manifest = {
    connections: [{
        port: 8080
    plugins: [
        { inert: [{}] },
        { vision: [{}] },
        { './index': null },
            './api': [{
                routes: {
                    prefix: '/api/v1'

var options = {
    relativeTo: __dirname + '/modules'

Glue.compose(manifest, options, function (err, server) {
    server.start(function(err) {
        console.log('Server running at: %s://%s:%s',,,;


exports.register = function(server, options, next) {
        method: 'GET',
        path: '/',
        handler: require('./home')

exports.register.attributes = {
    pkg: require('./package.json')


    "name": "IndexRoute",
    "version": "1.0.0"


exports.register = function(req, reply) {
    reply.view('home', { title: 'Awesome' });

Have a look at this wonderful article by Dave Stevens for more details and examples.

You can use require-hapiroutes to do some of the organization and loading for you. (I am the author so I am a little biased, I wrote it to make my life easier in managing routes)

I am a big fan of require-directory and and wanted a way to manage my routes just as easily. This lets you mix and match routes in your modules and modules in directories with routes.

You can then do something like this...

var routes = require('./routes');

Then in your directory you could have a route file like...

module.exports = [
  method : 'GET',
  path : '/route1',
  handler : routeHandler1,
  config : {
    description: 'my route description',
    notes: 'Important stuff to know about this route',
    tags : ['app']
  method : 'GET',
  path : '/route2',
  handler : routeHandler2,
  config : {
    description: 'my route description',
    notes: 'Important stuff to know about this route',
    tags : ['app']

Or, you can mix and match by assigning to a "routes" property on the module

module.exports.routes = [
  method : 'GET',
  path : '/route1',
  handler : routeHandler1,
  config : {
    description: 'my route description',
    notes: 'Important stuff to know about this route',
    tags : ['app']
  method : 'GET',
  path : '/route2',
  handler : routeHandler2,
  config : {
    description: 'my route description',
    notes: 'Important stuff to know about this route',
    tags : ['app']

Always, good to have options. There is full documentation on the github or npmjs site for it.