Checking if a postgresql table exists under python (and probably Psycopg2)

How can I determine if a table exists using the Psycopg2 Python library? I want a true or false boolean.

How about:

>>> import psycopg2
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='mydb' user='username' host='localhost' password='foobar'")
>>> cur = conn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute("select * from information_schema.tables where table_name=%s", ('mytable',))
>>> bool(cur.rowcount)

An alternative using EXISTS is better in that it doesn't require that all rows be retrieved, but merely that at least one such row exists:

>>> cur.execute("select exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name=%s)", ('mytable',))
>>> cur.fetchone()[0]

I don't know the psycopg2 lib specifically, but the following query can be used to check for existence of a table:

SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables 
              WHERE table_catalog='DB_NAME' AND 
                    table_schema='public' AND 

The advantage of using information_schema over selecting directly from the pg_* tables is some degree of portability of the query.

select exists(select relname from pg_class 
where relname = 'mytablename' and relkind='r');

The first answer did not work for me. I found success checking for the relation in pg_class:

def table_exists(con, table_str):
    exists = False
        cur = con.cursor()
        cur.execute("select exists(select relname from pg_class where relname='" + table_str + "')")
        exists = cur.fetchone()[0]
        print exists
    except psycopg2.Error as e:
        print e
    return exists