How to check if DataReader value is not null?

Solution 1:

Nothing means an object has not been initialized, DBNull means the data is not defined/missing. There are several ways to check:

' The VB Function
If IsDBNull(Reader.Item(0)) Then...

The GetDateTime method is problematic because you are asking it to convert a non value to DateTime. Item() returns Object which can be tested easily before converting.

 ' System Type
 If System.DBNull.Value.Equals(...)

You can also the DbReader. This only works with the ordinal index, not a column name:

If myReader.IsDbNull(index) Then 

Based on that, you can put together functions either as Shared class members or reworked into Extensions to test for DBNull and return a default value:

Public Class SafeConvert
    Public Shared Function ToInt32(Value As Object) As Integer
        If DBNull.Value.Equals(Value) Then
            Return 0
            Return Convert.ToInt32(Value)
        End If
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ToInt64(Value As Object) As Int64
        If DBNull.Value.Equals(Value) Then
            Return 0
            Return Convert.ToInt64(Value)
        End If
    End Function

    ' etc
End Class


myDate = SafeConvert.ToDateTime(Reader.Item(0))

For a DateTime converter, you'd have to decide what to return. I prefer to do those individually.

Solution 2:

You need to check if the field is null before you convert the value to date.

If (Reader.IsDBNull(0)) Then
    'Null: Do not call GetDateTime
End If

If (Not Reader.IsDBNull(0)) Then
    'Not null: Retrieve the datetime.
    Dim dt As DateTime = Reader.GetDateTime(0)
End If