What is the name for the glove worn to take out baked food from oven, so that touching the hot tray doesn't burn our hands? [closed]

Is there a specific name for the thick glove worn (or may be any cloth used) to touch hot dishes in the oven?

For example, we wear a glove and take the dish containing baked food from the oven.

It's use is to save our hand from being burnt by touching the hot dish.

In order to identify the object the OP is describing, I posted this answer with the term I use. At first I didn't think about alternative expressions based on geographical location. Other users did that after mine. I think the OP can enjoy a lively and useful discussion on the theme.

Oven glove:

BRITISH ENGLISH - a ​thick ​covering for the ​hand, used for taking ​hot things out of an ​oven

(Cambridge Dictionary)

enter image description here

We call them Oven Mitts.

At least online shopping seems to confirm!

It's interesting to see that 'oven glove' is used too, it's obvious, but around here (NZ and Australia, and apparently the States) they are 'mitts'.

However, looking up the definition of mitt:

a glove leaving the fingers and thumb-tip exposed.

Well, that's the last thing you want isn't it!

Regardless, that is what we call them :)