Is there a specific word for "jolted from naïveté"?

Solution 1:

You may mean

realization |ˌrē(ə)ləˈzā sh ən| noun 1 [in sing. ] an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact : ... realization dawned suddenly.


It occurs to me you may also be looking for something closer to "having an epiphany" (adj. epiphanic). An epiphany in this sense means

a moment of sudden revelation or insight.


Solution 2:

"Disillusioned" : to free from illusion; also : to cause to lose naive faith and trust

  • Working at that store for six months was enough to disillusion me about retail work.
  • We were disillusioned when we saw how the movie star acted in real life.


Solution 3:

This is not perfect, but perhaps you could try

The scales fell from my eyes

This usually just means revealing something you were not seeing previously. This doesn't completely capture your laziness here, but perhaps with a supporting clause it could do the job.

Here is what I had in mind.

Despite his moral upbringing, the visit to the factory farm was requisite to pull the scales from his eyes, erasing his ignorance borne of laxity.