Run a script when Windows resumes from suspend/hibernate state?

Is there a way to have Windows (XP, Vista and 7) run a script when a machine returns from hibernate/suspend mode? It would be okay with me if the script runs after the user unlocks a locked session after their machine resumes.

I have a service that needs to be kicked when I a machine resumes in order to get it to run properly on resume.

In windows 7, you can do this with a scheduled task. Setup a batch script to do the actions you want and then create a task with one of the following triggers:

  • On workstation unlock - Ignores first log on, but will start after unlock.
  • On connection to user session - Every log on, can be local or remote connection.
  • On an event - In the system log, the "Power-Troubleshooter" Source will log an event code of 1 when you wake up from a sleep state.

I have not tested these to make sure that they work as expected, but I have used "On workstation lock" with high amount of success. From what I remember of scheduled tasks in XP, it only has "When I log on".

win 7 source doc

win XP source doc

Hope this helps

Using Win32_PowerManagementEvent? I just googled it and found the following script (no warranty;).

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set colMonitoredEvents = GetObject("winmgmts:")._
ExecNotificationQuery("Select * from Win32_PowerManagementEvent")

  Set objLatestEvent = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent

  Select Case objLatestEvent.EventType

    Case 4
      oShell.Run "Calc.exe", 1, False
      MsgBox "Entering suspend, Calc started", _
      vbInformation + vbSystemModal, "Suspend"

    Case 7
      oShell.Run "Notepad.exe", 1, False
      MsgBox "Resuming from suspend, notepad started", _
      vbInformation + vbSystemModal, "Suspend"

    Case 11
      MsgBox "OEM Event happened, OEMEventCode = " _
      & strLatestEvent.OEMEventCode

    Case 18
      MsgBox "Resume Automatic happened"

  End Select

Add a scheduled task with trigger: on workstation unlock. It works, I run it after wake up from sleep. Om my Windows 2008R2 box the audio service needs to be restarted, otherwise sometimes it uses 100% of 1 cpu.