How to compare mp3, flac audio data in a file, ignoring header data (ID3 tag) etc.?

I've backed up some audio files up in 2 places and added ID3 tags into one backup but not the other, since time has passed my own memory has faded on whether the backups are actually the same, but now one has ID3 data and the other doesn't, basic binary compare will fail and inspection will be cumbersome.

Is there a tool to compare just the audio data (not the header, ID3) in mp3s, flac files, and other files using header data such as ID3.

started a thread on beyond compare here:

would consider other comparison software that does this task

Ah, the eternal plight. I myself struggled with this very question for so long and tried so many duplicate-file-finding apps that I eventually gave up and decided to write one myself. And then I found AllDup.

AllDup made me indefinitely back-burner my own project because it is a fast DFF that has the ability to compare MP3 and JPEG files, ignoring their ID3 tags and Exif data respectively. Even better, Michael Thummerer is very responsive to feedback and is quick to fix bugs and implement suggestions (you can suggest ignoring FLAC headers). To top it all off, AllDup is free.

Here's a way to do it at the shell. You need avconv, which in Debian/Ubuntu is in libav-tools.

$ avconv -i INPUT_FILE -c:a copy -f crc - 2>/dev/null | grep CRC

You'll get a line like this:


This will compare every frame of audio data and generate a CRC for it. So a command like this can compare multiple files:

ls *.mp3 | while read line; do echo -n "$line: "; avconv -i "$line" -f crc - 2>/dev/null | grep CRC; done