What's the word for "to do something without feeling emotional about it" [closed]
I have searched for the same, but I am always getting some reference which is implying that we cannot do something without feeling it. But we can.
Solution 1:
Perhaps the word you're looking for is clinical.
Clinical: Very efficient and without feeling; coldly detached
Source: Oxford Dictionaries Online (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/clinical)
Solution 2:
If you do something without being emotional, you are doing it dispassionately.
dis·pas·sion·ate (dĭs-păsh′ə-nĭt) adj.
Not influenced by strong feelings or emotions; impartial: a dispassionate reporter.
dis·pas′sion·ate·ly adv.
dis·pas′sion·ate·ness n.
[1 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dispassionately]